Corporate Structure
United BF Homeowners Associations, Inc.
was officially registered as a non-profit non-stock corporation with
the Home Insurance Guaranty Corporation on May 18, 1989. It is now
under the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), which has
also jurisdiction over developers of private subdivisions and
condominium corporations.
The association is governed by a Board of
fifteen (15) Directors. The subdivision is divided into fifteen
sectors, each of which elects their own sectoral chairman every
year. The elected chairmen automatically become the director of
UBFHAI. In another unique way of election, the officers of the
association are elected at large by the general membership (ordinary
corporations elect directors at large and the directors elect the
officers among themselves) through voting delegates apportioned
according to population of the local associations.
The concept of having directors elected by
sector is to ensure that all areas in the sprawling 765 ha.
Subdivision is represented in the board. The system is sanctioned by
law and jurisprudence and has worked for over 18 years.
UBFHAI does not collect dues from
homeowners (their local associations do) and expenses for
maintenance and operations are derived from fees from stickers for
residents and non-residents, zoning and other fees approved by the
board of directors. Local associations get a rebate of 50% from
resident stickers issued within their enclaves as the mother
association’s support to its internal expenses.
The unique system of administration
evolved from the fact of the size of the subdivision itself, where
services could not be effectively delivered by a single association
and is recognized by the HLURB.